Monday, October 3, 2016

10/03/3016 There is only one hope for life!

There is only one hope for life!

The life of faith:

When all the circumstances of our life present a negative picture… in failure and loss or when the natural reaction would be grief or complaint… this is the time to put faith in God and in His Word.

Thus we can see through God’s eyes to the final glorious outcome.

This brings worship and praise even before our circumstances have changed.

Habakkuk 2:4 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
Look at the proud; his soul is not straight or right within him, but the [rigidly] just and the [uncompromisingly] righteous man shall live by his faith and in his faithfulness.



Habakkuk 3:16-19 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

16 I heard and my [whole inner self] trembled; my lips quivered at the sound. Rottenness enters into my bones and under me [down to my feet]; I tremble. I will wait quietly for the day of trouble and distress when there shall come up against [my] people him who is about to invade and oppress them.
17 Though the fig tree does not blossom and there is no fruit on the vines, [though] the product of the olive fails and the fields yield no food, though the flock is cut off from the fold and there are no cattle in the stalls,
18 Yet I will rejoice in the Lord; I will exult in the [victorious] God of my salvation!
19 The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds’ feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!
Determine to praise and worship and thank God for His faithfulness, no matter how devastating the circumstances.
Take down any idol in your life by humbling before God and by refusing other interests to rule your heart.

Life’s Inescapable Questions, Part 4 of 4

10-03-2016 What is to be done to fix my life?

What is to be done to fix my life?


Steps to Holiness:


Though some only think of idols as material images. What truly defines an idol is the place it occupies in a person’s life.


Any person, thing, or desire that stands in the way of an immediate, wholehearted “Yes, Lord!” to anything He asks of us is an idol and must be eliminated.


Habakkuk 2:18-20 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

18 What profit is the graven image when its maker has formed it? It is only a molten image and a teacher of lies. For the maker trusts in his own creations [as his gods] when he makes dumb idols.
19 Woe to him who says to the wooden image, Awake! and to the dumb stone, Arise, teach! [Yet, it cannot, for] behold, it is laid over with gold and silver and there is no breath at all inside it!
20 But the Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth hush and keep silence before Him.

Examine yourself! Ask the Question, “Is there anything that hinders my obedience to God?”
Take down any idol in your life by humbling yourself before God and my refusing other interest to rule your heart.

10/03/2016 Where are the keys for living?

Keys to wise living:
The worldly theory of success that centers on personal power and the amassing of financial riches is a highly deceptive trap.
The wise person defines success in the light of God’s plan for his life.
Living in a manner that honors God and relies on His promises, brings success.

Habakkuk 2:9 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)

“Woe to him who obtains wicked gain for his house, [who thinks by so doing] to set his nest on high that he may be preserved from calamity and delivered from the power of evil!”
Know the success by the world’s measure is a vain pursuit. Build your house… your life and vocation…on the Rock of God’s Word.

10/03/2016 Living for at least 15 minutes a day!


Steps to Dynamic Devotion; spending at least 15 minutes every day usefully:

God requires that we make our relationship with Him, our highest priority, that we bring our deepest questions and turmoil’s before Him, expecting His answers and guidance.

Habakkuk 2:1-3 New International Version (NIV)

I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts;
I will look to see what he will say to me, and what answer I am to give to this complaint.
Set aside a regular time and place that is holy to the Lord. Spend time listening for His word as you read, study, and meditate on Scripture. Be Faithful in daily prayer.
The Lord’s Answer
Then the Lord replied:
“Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false.
Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

Document those things the Lord speaks to you or quickens to your heart. Record Biblical promises He makes alive to you, and hold fast to them, knowing they will come to pass.