Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lord's Conduit and Watchman: Trust.

What if we read more? Only 33% of us read newspapers… anymore. 

Unfortunately, 71% rely on national TV media, which is only 22% accurate in their reporting.

Ponder this values statement:

1 Timothy 3 New International Version

Qualifications for Overseers (leaders):

“Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task.

Now the overseer is to be above reproach, faithful to his wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.”

Trust in the Corporate Mass Media  (Source - Gallup Poll): funded by multinational corporate advertising, returns to All-Time Low.

Mass media  (Source – Wikipedia) are the means through which information is transmitted to a large audience. This includes newspapers, television, radio, and more recently the Internet. Those who provide news and information, and the outlets for which they work, are known as the news media.

The "Pew Research Center for the People & the Press" has been tracking views of press performance since 1985, and the overall ratings remain quite negative. Fully 66% say news stories often are inaccurate, 77% think that news organizations tend to favor one side, and 80% say news organizations are often influenced by powerful people and organizations.

In a commercialized media context, the media can often not afford to ignore an important issue which another television station, newspaper, or radio station is willing to pick up.”

The media may be able to create new issues by reporting (Caitlyn Jenner?) and not cover news that should be considered seriously; Trade Promotion Authority and Transpacific Partnership affecting 10’s of millions of U.S. Citizens and their ability to have a living wage job.

Also, they can obscure issues by reporting through negligence and distraction.

Maybe if every Journalist had to adhere to the Journalist’s Creed; thing might get better.

This will only happen if there a revolt against watching, listening to, and reading only National corporate media and boycotting sponsors that support mis-representation of facts or just plain not reporting critical issues related to citizen’s needs.

It is this writer’s opinion that accurate news reporting exits in non-corporate owned and funded places like Free Speech TV (FSTV)

The writer of this article used to watch PBS until Government, at all levels, started to destroy or control it… in an attempt to make us illiterate, uniformed, and controllable.

The Lord's Conduit and Watchman Living Example

Awoke this morning and spent time sharing devotions and messages I receive each day by email. This sharing is on Facebook and Twitter where my family, friends, brothers and sister reside.

Next I started preparing breakfast for those still in the house: which I have done just about every Saturday for the last 41+ years.

Friday, everyone worked so while I made breakfast I washed yesterdays dishes and cleaned the house.

Saturdays, for the last 41+ years I have cleaned our home so we can enter God's rest on Sundays (go to church) and get ready to the busyness of the next work week.

My spouse of 41+ years; 45+ years as my best friend; Just awoke. Shared through my thoughts, words, and deeds that the Lord made something perfect (my wife) for me When God Made You.

Now that breakfast and time together with those in my home is completed I reached out to my family outside the home and asked them how things were going them and if there was a way we could get together as a whole family this weekend for sharing of grace, love, and life.

Alone tonight as everyone is busy or working, I turned to ministering about being a servant to family (children and grandchildren), brothers, and sisters. My days are numbered because I am getting older and I need to prepare those that I love to take over for me now and in the future when I go to be with Jesus.

Servant Song

Psalm 102:27-28 New International Version
But you remain the same, and your years will never end.
The children of your servants will live in your presence; their descendants will be established before you.”
Ephesians 3:6-8 New International Version
This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus.
I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of his power. Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ,
As for Me and My House - John Waller

Holy Spirit - Jesus Culture

This Hymn expresses what we should request as servants living in The Lord’s grace. Father, please bless us: to be servants with hearts that show Your grace and love.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Lord's Ministry: Defining His Ministry and His three blogs.

The Lord's Ministry:  "Ministry" is from the Greek word diakoneo, meaning "to serve" or douleuo, meaning "to serve as a slave." 

In the New Testament, ministry is seen as service to God and to other people in His name. 

Jesus provided the pattern for Christian ministry—He came, not to receive service, but to give it "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Hear: Matthew 20 ; Mark 10; John 13).

Read more: Got Questions
Living Blog Goal: Witnessing of a man who is not dead; having an abundant life because of being a practicing Christian example of Christ Jesus; active or being used by the Father, Son, and how being comforted… by the Holy Spirit gives hope eternal.

Romans 12:1-3 New International Version

A Living Sacrifice:

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Humble Service in the Body of Christ:

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you.

Message Blog Goal: Teaching of the Fathers and Sons Holy Word from the Bible to share an underlying theme or idea about how and why to become followers and believers in Jesus.

Ephesians 1:12-14 New International Version 

In order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.  And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory.

Truth Blog Goal: transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality; sincerity in action, character, and utterance; the Fathers, Sons, and Holy Spirits actuality , fidelity, constancy.

John 8:31-33 New International Version

Dispute Over Whose Children Jesus’ Opponents Are:

To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

They answered him, “We are Abraham’s descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?”